Courtesy of Flowesop
Dian Kuswandini, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta
| Wed, 02/25/2009 3:17 PM | Life
Jennifer Aniston says it keeps her cool under pressure. Cate Blanchett swears by it, and Salma Hayek has been a fan for years.
What could deserve such compliments?
Flower essence therapy.
Long before it gained this kind of modern popularity, flower therapy was part of many traditions. You might be familiar with the traditional ritual of a flower bath - or siraman - in Javanese culture. Considered able to wash away bad luck and restore positive energy, the flower bath can form part of a wedding ceremony or be used to help heal people who are ill.
However, the place of flowers in holistic healing traditions around the world goes beyond this kind of local belief. You might have heard that flowers can have therapeutic effects, but what you know is probably based only on how their colors can refresh your mood or their scents relax you.
The miracle of flowers, however, is more than that. The theory is that, just like other living things, flowers have a natural energy - or chi. The natural energy of flowers is positive - uplifting, loving and healing; this is what flower essence therapy offers.
According to Tom Suhalim, a certified flower essence therapist at ProV Clinic in Jakarta, flower essences work at a vibrational level. They possess the power to elevate our physical vibrations, bringing our body and soul into harmony.
Unlike aromatherapy, which works at the physical and emotional levels, Tom said flower essence therapy can go deeper and operate at the mental and spiritual levels.
| Wed, 02/25/2009 3:17 PM | Life
Jennifer Aniston says it keeps her cool under pressure. Cate Blanchett swears by it, and Salma Hayek has been a fan for years.
What could deserve such compliments?
Flower essence therapy.
Long before it gained this kind of modern popularity, flower therapy was part of many traditions. You might be familiar with the traditional ritual of a flower bath - or siraman - in Javanese culture. Considered able to wash away bad luck and restore positive energy, the flower bath can form part of a wedding ceremony or be used to help heal people who are ill.
However, the place of flowers in holistic healing traditions around the world goes beyond this kind of local belief. You might have heard that flowers can have therapeutic effects, but what you know is probably based only on how their colors can refresh your mood or their scents relax you.
The miracle of flowers, however, is more than that. The theory is that, just like other living things, flowers have a natural energy - or chi. The natural energy of flowers is positive - uplifting, loving and healing; this is what flower essence therapy offers.
According to Tom Suhalim, a certified flower essence therapist at ProV Clinic in Jakarta, flower essences work at a vibrational level. They possess the power to elevate our physical vibrations, bringing our body and soul into harmony.
Unlike aromatherapy, which works at the physical and emotional levels, Tom said flower essence therapy can go deeper and operate at the mental and spiritual levels.
"Therefore, this therapy is an alternative to psychotropic medication in the treatment of daily stress, depression, mood concerns, fears, anxieties and other emotional issues," he said.
Tom pointed out that, because unhealthy emotional issues are the "core element of disease", treating these "inner problems" can help deal with physical illness.
Headache and insomnia, for example, could be the result of stress, and can be treated using the energy or essence from camellias and lotus flowers.
If you are wondering how to "unlock" the energy of flowers, Tom outlined some simple steps. First, you must prepare your desired fresh flowers when they are in full bloom. According to Tom, the best time to pick flowers is after sunrise, or at around 6.30 p.m., when the flowers' energy is at its best. The second step is to put the flowers into a crystal or glass vase and expose them to the sun in the middle of the day for about three hours. The sunlight will release the energy of the flowers into the water.
"This is the essence water that we use for medical purposes. Either we drink it or use it in a bath," Tom said.
He added that he and other therapists have the essence of flowers dispensed in tablet form.
"But still, because we only use sucrose (sugar-concentrated) tablets for this process, it's chemical-free and safe," Tom said.
This is important, as flower essences have the reputation of being effective and safe to use. Many people seek flower essences because they are natural, nontoxic and without harmful side effects.
"The therapy can be taken safely by infants, pregnant or nursing women and the elderly," Tom said. "I haven't found any allergic symptoms so far among my patients."
Flower essence therapy in its current form, Tom said, has been used worldwide for more than 70 years. The therapy became popular from Bach Flower Remedies, named for Dr. Edward Bach, who developed the treatment in the 1930s. Bach, a British bacteriologist and homeopath, turned to developing the healing powers of flowers because of his dissatisfaction with modern medicines.
Bach believed a very important piece of the puzzle was missing from modern medicine - the relationship between emotions and health or illness. He later discovered 38 flowers with healing abilities, all treating "negative feelings" such as anger, fear, guilt, low self-esteem, low self-confidence and jealousy.
"By now, the estimated number of flowers that could be used for this therapy might have risen to about 400 types," Tom said.
But all flowers can help, he added. "Everyone can benefit from the energy of flowers that they might find just anywhere."
As a broad guideline, Tom categorized the flowers into colors corresponding to their healing powers.
Blue flowers, he said, can be used to cure throat problems, while green ones help cure problems related to the heart. Yellow flowers can be used for pancreas and liver problems. Purple flowers help deal with problems related to the head and red flowers can be used for colon and blood problems.
Then there are white flowers, which, according to theory, Tom revealed, "can work for the whole body".
White roses, for example, can be used for anti aging and emotional release. A white flower such as the lotus, which symbolizes spirituality, works as a rescue remedy that heals deep trauma and shock.
To choose the right flower essence for a particular healing treatment more precisely, Tom uses what he calls an aura kit. This small kit contains dozens of bottles, each containing a specific flower's energy powder or pills.
The patient runs his or her finger over each of the bottles. Any tingling or magnetic feeling experienced while scanning a bottles pinpoints the flower essence that he or she needs.
For example, if a patient's finger shows signs of this "magnetic experience" on bottle No. 7, that person most likely needs the orchid essence formula.
As well as the aura kit procedure, Tom also asks his patients to check the state of their aura using an aura video station.
"The use of two procedures is simply for a cross-check and to get a detailed health outline," he said.
All of the above procedures cost around Rp 250,000 (US$20) to Rp 350,000. Patients who really need to take flower essence pills as medicines can buy them for around Rp 175,000 per bottle.
According to Tom, flower essences can be taken with any food, herb, health product or medicine.
However, once the disturbing emotion has gone away, the treatment should be stopped, because flower essence therapy does not act to prevent illness, in the way of vitamins or supplements. Rather, it works like untying a knot: Once it is untangled, there is no need to continue.
By soothing daily moodiness and a variety of emotional states, flower essence therapy contributes to the healing of spirit, mind and body.
"Flower essence therapy works to release and balance," Tom said.
Tom pointed out that, because unhealthy emotional issues are the "core element of disease", treating these "inner problems" can help deal with physical illness.
Headache and insomnia, for example, could be the result of stress, and can be treated using the energy or essence from camellias and lotus flowers.
If you are wondering how to "unlock" the energy of flowers, Tom outlined some simple steps. First, you must prepare your desired fresh flowers when they are in full bloom. According to Tom, the best time to pick flowers is after sunrise, or at around 6.30 p.m., when the flowers' energy is at its best. The second step is to put the flowers into a crystal or glass vase and expose them to the sun in the middle of the day for about three hours. The sunlight will release the energy of the flowers into the water.
"This is the essence water that we use for medical purposes. Either we drink it or use it in a bath," Tom said.
He added that he and other therapists have the essence of flowers dispensed in tablet form.
"But still, because we only use sucrose (sugar-concentrated) tablets for this process, it's chemical-free and safe," Tom said.
This is important, as flower essences have the reputation of being effective and safe to use. Many people seek flower essences because they are natural, nontoxic and without harmful side effects.
"The therapy can be taken safely by infants, pregnant or nursing women and the elderly," Tom said. "I haven't found any allergic symptoms so far among my patients."
Flower essence therapy in its current form, Tom said, has been used worldwide for more than 70 years. The therapy became popular from Bach Flower Remedies, named for Dr. Edward Bach, who developed the treatment in the 1930s. Bach, a British bacteriologist and homeopath, turned to developing the healing powers of flowers because of his dissatisfaction with modern medicines.
Bach believed a very important piece of the puzzle was missing from modern medicine - the relationship between emotions and health or illness. He later discovered 38 flowers with healing abilities, all treating "negative feelings" such as anger, fear, guilt, low self-esteem, low self-confidence and jealousy.
"By now, the estimated number of flowers that could be used for this therapy might have risen to about 400 types," Tom said.
But all flowers can help, he added. "Everyone can benefit from the energy of flowers that they might find just anywhere."
As a broad guideline, Tom categorized the flowers into colors corresponding to their healing powers.
Blue flowers, he said, can be used to cure throat problems, while green ones help cure problems related to the heart. Yellow flowers can be used for pancreas and liver problems. Purple flowers help deal with problems related to the head and red flowers can be used for colon and blood problems.
Then there are white flowers, which, according to theory, Tom revealed, "can work for the whole body".
White roses, for example, can be used for anti aging and emotional release. A white flower such as the lotus, which symbolizes spirituality, works as a rescue remedy that heals deep trauma and shock.
To choose the right flower essence for a particular healing treatment more precisely, Tom uses what he calls an aura kit. This small kit contains dozens of bottles, each containing a specific flower's energy powder or pills.
The patient runs his or her finger over each of the bottles. Any tingling or magnetic feeling experienced while scanning a bottles pinpoints the flower essence that he or she needs.
For example, if a patient's finger shows signs of this "magnetic experience" on bottle No. 7, that person most likely needs the orchid essence formula.
As well as the aura kit procedure, Tom also asks his patients to check the state of their aura using an aura video station.
"The use of two procedures is simply for a cross-check and to get a detailed health outline," he said.
All of the above procedures cost around Rp 250,000 (US$20) to Rp 350,000. Patients who really need to take flower essence pills as medicines can buy them for around Rp 175,000 per bottle.
According to Tom, flower essences can be taken with any food, herb, health product or medicine.
However, once the disturbing emotion has gone away, the treatment should be stopped, because flower essence therapy does not act to prevent illness, in the way of vitamins or supplements. Rather, it works like untying a knot: Once it is untangled, there is no need to continue.
By soothing daily moodiness and a variety of emotional states, flower essence therapy contributes to the healing of spirit, mind and body.
"Flower essence therapy works to release and balance," Tom said.